The tensile strength of carbon fiber is usually 5 to 10 times or more higher than that of steel, depending on the specific type of carbon fiber and manufacturing process, as well as the type of steel compared to it.
The tensile strength of ordinary structural steel is generally in the range of several hundred to one kilopascal (MPa), while high-strength structural steel may be around several thousand megapascals (MPa). However, the tensile strength of carbon fibers typically ranges from thousands to tens of thousands of megapascals (MPa), or even higher. Some high-performance carbon fibers can achieve tensile strength of hundreds of thousands of megapascals (MPa).
This means that parts made of carbon fiber can have higher strength under tensile force than steel parts of the same size under the same size. The high strength and lightweight of carbon fiber make it widely used in fields such as aerospace, aircraft, automobiles, sports goods, and plays an important role in lightweight design and high-performance applications.
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